Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Shawshank Redemption

Based on the story by Stephen King; Andy Dufresne was a banker that was convicted of a double murder he claims he didnt commit. In 1946 he was sentenced to a life termin in the Shawshank State Prison in Maine. There he meets another inmate Ellis "Red" Redding, and Red picks him as te new recruit most likely to crack under pressure. Andy soon sees the ugly realities of prison life. A horrible warden and mean guards, and inmates that behaive like animals. They beat and rape to survive on the top. Yet throughout all of this Andy doesnt crack like Red predicts, he stays hopefully which no one could have but the innocent. Andy uses his banking skills to win over the warden and guards, doing the books for an illegal business, and looking after the investments of the prison staff. In exchange he is able to improve the prison library and bring respect to some of the inmantes, and the dignity of them especially Red.

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