Thursday, February 19, 2009


Here are just a few stereotypes I can think of that have to do with race (some are positive and some are negative stereotypes).
  1. Asian people have high IQs, are smart in math and very good at puzzles and technology.
  2. Indians work at a deli. or own a convenient store.
  3. Immigrants have poor English.
  4. Jewish people are cheap.
  5. Black people are in gangs and are violent
  6. White people think their better than everyone else
  7. Irish people are alcoholics
  8. Mexican people steal
  9. Italian people are in the mafia
  10. People from the middle east are terrorist
  11. Colombian people are drug dealers
  12. Black people love kool-aid and fried chicken
  13. All Mexican people are illegally here
  14. Native American people live in tee pees, smoke pipes and beat drums all day
  15. German people are Nazis
  16. Black people don't know how to speak proper English
  17. White people from the south are racist
  18. All Asian people are small
  19. South American people all smoke weed
  20. I think all of these are ridiculous and I personally don't use these to generalize about anyone. Just because one person may be like this, doesn't mean everyone is.
Over time racism has become less of an issue, between black and white people that is. At the moment there is a bigger race barrier between Muslims and whites but also the rest of us it seems. Ever since 9/11, suspicion with Muslims (or people who resmble them) have been the target for sterio-stypes and hatered. Especially at airports there have been so many incidents where any muslim would be stopped for questioning becuase they looked suspicious. This was an outrage to the muslim community and I would be mad too. I can't imagine how it would feel to be stopped or glared at just because I looked a certain way. This point gets into sterio-types. Because these muslims looked similar to Osama Bin Laden, they must be terrorist and are carrying weapons of mass distruction. This accusation is absurd, but especially at the time following 9/11, Americans were so willing and eagar to believe these people were out there and that we should take everyone in, so they wouldn't be a threat to our country.
That's the thing with sterio-types, it only takes a few people, sometimes only one to start something that then "defines" everyone else that may share similar attributes to that person.
Many Muslim people live here in the United States, and it's a shame they have to live under the horrible accusation from 9/11. Although much time has passed since 2001, the unfriendlness between America and Muslim people still hasnt totally dissapeared. If you think about it, we could really be more welcoming to them and their culture. Hopefully we will get there one day.

(p.s the spell check wasnt working..)