Thursday, January 29, 2009


For my final semester in high school, I am doing an independent project on the issue of race.
This is my outline of what I will be working with:

Essential Questions:
1. Why is racism still active today
2. What impacts will the election of Barack Obama have on race in this country?
3. What continues to motivate racism today?
4. Is the stream of information available in the popular media poisoned by racism?
5. How does the media portray racism issues though music, film and books?

*I will be referring back to these questions throughout my blogs.

1. Crash
2. American History X
3. Shawshank Redemption
4. Remember the Titans
5. Redemption?

1. To Kill a Mockingbird
2. Black Like Me
3. White Like Me
4. Everyday Antiracism

*I will be reading and watching all these and discussing my opinions and thoughts.

I will also be blogging about articles I read, and how race affects me in my life on a day to day basis.