Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Race in Magazines

When it comes to magazines (at least the ones I read) celebrities are usually on the covers. If you put all the magazines together, there will be more white people on them then any other race. This is one of those things that is kind of hard to grasp, I guess there are just more famous people that are of the caucasion race, or magazines feel more comfortable putting more white people on the covers.
One of the magazines I read is Seventeen. It's geared towards younger adults (16-21). Although white people are the majority of there covers, they always have a very diverse selection inside. There are always fashion speads, and workout plans, and they always mix up the races, like it was totally normal. I noticed that in magazines that target older people, tend to try less with diversity. I feel that my generation is being taught more to accept everyone and that everyone is equal. And I feel that older generations were not taught that nearly enough, and that these entertainment magazines know that and dont feel the need to change it up.
Most magazines have someone famous or important on the cover, lately we have been seeing a lot of one black man in spicific on hundreds of magazine covers..because he's our president. Michelle Obama has also been a quite a few covers, and it's a nice change to see, and so many people admire them, I dont think a lot of people think twice about it (at least up here).
Hopefully this coming generation will keep promoting diversity where it gets to the point of being normal. I have faith in the upcoming generations too!

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