Wednesday, May 20, 2009


One of the biggest influences in our world are the rich and famous people. I'm talking celebrities, they decide whats hot and whats not, how to act, to spend your money, who to support, what trends are in, and the list goes on. I'm not saying everyone follows everything but many do. In this last election many celebrities supported Obama and I think it did make a difference for some people.
I think its a great thing to have celebrities of different races, it shows that not only white people can have money and beauty. Any race can. Our history is just so repetitive with Caucasian people being on top, and its stayed throughout, so I'm not trying to sound like damn those white people! Just that its a nice change for the world to see that other races can be on top too.

Some very influential/important celebrities: (my opinion)
1. OPERA: this woman can do anything! Hollywood has named her the most influential celebrity of all time. Everyone seems to love Opera. She's is generous (a little self absorbed) but still a kind heart. And she's a black woman who has the most famous talk show in the world. I dont think you can beat that. I just think its cool that not only a black person, but a black female has this much power to persuade people, its just cool!
2. Will Smith: Will is at the top of his game. He has made numerous blockbuster hits, and created a few movies himself! Everyone wants a piece of him! He is funny, kind, a family man (very cute family!) and he's black, what do you know about that!
3. Angelina Jolie: Although she is Caucasian I believe she has Hollywood on the tip of her finger. She is powerful and has made adoption a phenomenon! Of course people adopted before she ever did, but not as much as they do now. And not just any adoption, she goes overseas for her children. Places like Africa, Tibet, China, and other countries less fortunate than ours. What's cool about all of this is, she made it ok that you didnt have to look like your child to have one. That mixing races was totally normal, and that having a child of a different culture was a great gift. Since then many other celebrities and normal people have taken up her ways.
4. Halle Berry: She was the first black woman to win an Oscar. Her speech made me cry! She opened the door to so many other African Americans, especially woman around the world. She is known as one of the most beautiful woman in the world. I think thats great because like i said before, so many times beauty is associated with white woman, and Halle Berry is mixed, but appears more black. I especially love her because I'm in her same situation, I am mixed with black and white, yet I am looked at as black. But I love that people love her, it gives me hope too!
5. The Obamas (recently): They are everyones favorite couple, and family and so many people support them, and its amazing. My birthmom told me on the night that he won, "your possibilities are endless now, now we have an African American in the white house leading this country, so many doors have just opened for you." And honestly it does give me courage to go out and do what I want because someone who's a lot like me in looks, went all the way to the top. I feel that many people are and will become more comfortable with African Americans (and other races, but in my case African American) in the work world and in leading positions. I hope thats the case because I'm great at leading and hope people will give me a chance at doing so

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