Monday, March 30, 2009


Just a quick thought:
I just got my latest issue of Seventeen magazine and in it was an article about a small school down in Georgia that has a black prom and a white prom. They literally have two different proms depending on your race. *Side note, what if your not black or white? Which prom do you go to? They didn't address that issue but I am curious to know. I think this is absurd! I can't believe we still have segregation like this today. For goodness sakes we just elected an African American president but 60 seniors can't have a prom together. In the article, a lot of students are against it, but the school and parents make it very hard to change the tradition.
When I was done reading the article it just made me so grateful that I go to a school where we don't think twice about something like that. That people don't judge you on your race, its the way you act that counts at our school, and that is totally your choice while what race you are is not.
I love South!

There were a few polls done at the end of the article:
74% of us (teens I believe) have friends who make raciest jokes and comments

More than 1/4 of us have parents who wouldn't approve of us dating someone of another race
(thank goodness mine don't care as long as I'm happy. That's the way it should be!)

Almost 3 out of 5 of us have witnessed some kind of racism firsthand.

1 in 10 of us wouldn't take someone of another race as a date to prom (that wont be happening at south)

32% of us say having an African American becoming president has made us rethink out opinions of people of other races.

It didn't say out of how many people surveyed.

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